Friday, March 19, 2004

Kerry begins his fall

As I have steadfastly maintained, John Kerry is looking less "presidential" every day.

The fact is that Bill Clinton has more class and grace than this product of Bahstan blue bloods.

John Kerry is a jerk. A self centered, ego maniacal, me first, jerk. Now he has added cussing a Secret Service agent for bumping His Highness, to his resume.

He brings NOTHING to the table beyond his desire to be important. A Kerry presidency would be a disaster that would make conservatives long for the Clinton Administration.

In fact I will go farther: President John Kerry would make Jimmy Carter look good.

Again, barring some horrific event, this election will be won by George W. Bush. What I have seen of the Bush campaign thus far, convinces me that Karl Rove is in full possession of his faculties, and will roast Mr. Kerry as he richly deserves.