Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Powerless Party

There is an amusing article at The American Prospect by Robert B. Reich today that is easier than a standard pane of glass to see through.

Reich breathlessly informs us that the Democrats have power but are powerless. He gets down to business in the opening paragraph:

"Democrats won control of Congress on two big issues -- the war in Iraq and the economy. Yet both issues will remain almost completely out of their control, at least for the next two years. "

Mmm, yes. The majority party in Congress is now powerless. So I guess the Republians have been "powerless" the past twelve years. But wait! If the majority party is powerless, who has the power?

Apparently after much thought and a consultation with Woody Harrelson and the Dixie Chicks, Reich has decided it is George W. Bush and Ben Bernanke.

Clearly this presages what I suspect will be the Democrats central message for 2008. "It not us its still them. Those nasty Republicans are still ruining everything!"

If in 2008 the Dems hold onto Congress AND win the Presidency, then I imagine the bad stuff that happens the next several years will all be the Supreme Court's fault.