Monday, September 20, 2004


CBS and Dan Rather have now brought themselves to allow as how maybe they were misled.

What poppycock. "Misled" of course gets them cleanly off the hook. After all, slick salesmen "mislead" people. When your Granny paid $2000 to that fellow to asphalt her driveway and then she never saw him again, she had been misled. Get it? It was NOT her fault!

By merely admitting to being "misled" and expressing "regret" CBS continues to try to ignore, sidestep, and spin this whole imbroglio.

CBS needs to admit they committed a major journalistic mistake and then compounded it by refusing to admit any wrongdoing until today.

Then, they need to open themselves up to an independent investigation to address the appearance of improper practices.

Don't hold your breath. With their behavior over the past two weeks, CBS has shown total disregard for truth, honesty, fairness, and accountability.

Only their name is to be trusted. When you watch Dan Rather and the CBS Evening News, you do indeed see BS.