Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sawed off sack of crap

The talentless runt who somehow has buffooned his way to what apparently passes for a career in Hollywood these days, completely showed his fat ass on the nauseating The View a few days ago.

One really has to wonder if the "major" news/entertainment outlets like ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN et al, have just completely lost all intention of being (forget unbiased) civilized in their standards.

I think Danny DeVito is a jerk, a putz, a disgusting ass, and a pissant. He should have his career ruined for this "performance" but instead I imagine he'll become the Toast of Tinsel Town.

I have been advocating for two years now that American troops be pulled back outside of the population centers such as Baghdad. The vast majority of American deaths are occuring in and near the cities.

It is my contention that we can be as effective patroling the country from bases out in the desert where it will be far more difficult for "insurgents" to sneak up and surprise our boys.

Let the cities go to hell and ruination. Make the Iraqi governement and people patrol their streets and re-assert civilization in their metropolitan areas
Virginia Creep

It is becoming clearer every time Jim webb opens his mouth that he is a creep. His recent dissing of the President is just the latest clue.

It is a shame that the great State of Virginia will be "represented" by this idiot for the next six years.