Monday, July 25, 2005

Idiots On All Sides

I think one of the great discoveries I made along the way is that some people who I agree with, almost completely, are none the less jerks.

Perhaps that is part of the essential difference between Conservatives and Liberals. Liberals tend to paint ALL Liberals as lilly white and heroic, and all Conservatives as dark and evil.

Conservatives on the other hand understand that there are good people who are liberals and complete dumb-asses who are Conservative.

Case in point is this post (and others like it) at Confirm Them and Red State et al. (WHY do they need to cross post things in nine different places?) What has drawn my ire is the line at the bottom:

"BTW, if you don’t know who Leonard Leo is, then you have no business commenting on the Roberts nomination in the first place."

Well kiss my down home ass. Leonard Leo might be a great fellow doing great deeds but he is one of many and earns no special consideration from me in the GOP Hall of Sucking Up and General Obsequiousness.

Geesh what a twit "Feddie" must be to post such nonsense. Grow up boy.