Friday, December 19, 2003

Support for war grows:

Robert Kagan has an interesting article in today's WaPo. Interesting mainly because it is titled "Divided on the War? Not Really" !

The major media does not usually tell tales on itself, and the company line has been to talk up the negative. Kagan acknowledges as much when he points out that "According to CNN's polls this year, only once has support for the Iraq war fallen as low as 50 percent, despite the steady stream of relatively bad news." Kagan even takes a sly but gentle jab at a certain liberal author and his lying book.

In any case, he lays out a strong case that support for the Iraqi "War" has been steady and widespread. With that support hovering in the range of sixty percent it becomes increasingly likely that "Howard Dean for President" will be a total disaster for the Democratic Party in '04.