Thursday, January 08, 2004

Texas Redistricting

When assessing redistricting efforts I attempt to retain my objectivity. Whether I support the map for partisan reasons or not, I want to be honest about whether it is a map drawn up within reasonable bounds.

The fight that has stood Texas on its ear the past couple of years seems to finally have been resolved in favor of the Republicans. The Dems will undoubtedly appeal all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court but that likely will not lead to a reversal of the present ruling.

I realized today that I have never seen any of the maps, old, new, proposed. None. So I went hunting. Here is the "old" map and here is the "new" map.

My guiding principle is that gerrymandering is fine, but it should not extend to ridiculous shapes that wind back and forth like pretzels, and that as far as possible localities should not be split up.

Looking at the old and new together I would rate the new Republican plan as slightly more ugly than the old plan. Both of them however leave a lot to be desired, and neither party has any room to call the kettle black.

The good news? The GOP will likely pick up 6 seats in this November's election.