Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Wolf in Knee Pants

In the wake of the sexual assault of CBS reporter Lara Logan, various bloggers went nuts in one direction or another. One of the more notable was Redstate "moderator" Leon H. Wolf. In a rambling post that wandered all over Wolf mainly just castigated Jim Hoft for a post at Gateway Pundits.

Wolf compounded his stupidity further by making a fool of himself in response to push-back from several Redstate readers. Some posters felt that Logan was partly to blame for inserting herself into the chaotic conditions in Cairo. Wolf reached his nadir of idiocy with this line:

"I reject the premise that one can be truly “culpable” in their own sexual assault. "

So let's review. In Wolf's considered opinion these four women are "equal" and pure as the driven snow:

A. Woman dragged from her bed and raped.
B. Woman leaving a bar alone at 2:00 am, grabbed and raped.
C. Woman looking for drugs in an alley at 4:00am, knocked over the head and raped
D. Woman standing on a street corner to sell her body, picked up by a stranger and taken to a wooded area and raped.

No woman wants to be raped, even a caveman knows that. But to say that no woman can be "truly “culpable” in their own sexual assault" is just incredible. All of us make bad decisions and when we do they often lead to bad things happening to us. Those things are often not at all what we wanted to happen, but the fact remains that we share to at least a degree in the blame for them.

To go back to Hoft's post however, he never suggested that Logan wanted to get raped or was directly responsible for what happened to her. His point was simply that by failing to report on the true nature of the Islamic extremists, Logan did in fact contribute to a misleading perception that all was sweetness and light in Egypt in the days leading up to her attack.

Leon Wolf was too stupid and full of himself to understand that simple point.

Next: Neil Stevens