War? What war?
The Democrats and their fellow travelers love to show the clip of George W. Bush in front of the "Mission Accomplished" banner and chortle at what a fool he was and is. As is usually the case however, it is the Libs who are the fools.
America can not lose the Iraq War for the simple reason that we have already won it. It is over. Within a few short weeks we ran that country's despot leader out of Baghdad and eventually caught and killed him and his two evil sons.
The "Iraq War" began and ended in 2003.
What we have been witnessing since then, for nearly four horrible years, is a police action. America's fighting men are striving to bring law to Iraq in almost the identical way the Cavalry brought law to the Old West. Well, actually not identical, because the U.S. Cavalry had the good sense to not set up shop in the middle of Dodge City.
Generally speaking the U.S. Army of the 19Th Century brought law to the Old West by providing a frame work with which the LOCAL people could keep their own law. As I have maintained for almost three years now, our troops should be pulled out of the urban and suburban areas of Iraq and redeployed to forts in the desert. Forts that can not be car bombed or reached by rifle fire. From these forts, America could establish a framework to keep out Iran, Syria, or other nations bent on mischief, while leaving responsibility for law and order to the locals.
I supported the Iraq War. I continued to support after it was over. I support staying in Iraq. I am however quite displeased and shocked by the decision making that has apparently brought us to the mess we currently face. I find it bewildering that the Bush Administration seemingly has no idea how to end this process. How could men so bright and experienced be so damn dumb?
What we now face is not good. What we now face is an endless cycle of bombings and death that go round and round with no goal, no ultimate "Hey we nailed it now let's go home" moment in sight.
There were huge screw ups in WWII, but from Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima passed just over 3 1/2 years. Mr. President time is short. For our nation's future you MUST begin to end our stay in Iraq. Vietnam was a debacle we spent 30 years and more recovering from. Get us to a stopping point in Iraq. Get us to a spot where we can honorably tell the Iraqis "We have done all we can, now it is up to you".
Get us there NOW Mr. President. Time grows very short.