Monday, November 03, 2008

Noble or Mean?

That appears to be the choice we have tomorrow. Abraham Lincoln's quote that appears at the top of this blog is as relevant today as it was 145 years ago. A vote for Barack Obama in my opinion is a vote for nothing more than empty promises and destruction of the American Dream. A vote for John McCain means we keep moving forward with the struggle for a better life on this planet. Some final comments before the decision is made.

I believe the polls have wandered off the statistically valid reservation this year and have become part of the story instead of neutral bystanders. Certainly we should know by late tomorrow evening whether I and many commentators with whom I agree are right or deluded.

If the turnout is as massive as "they" say it is going to be, I think that is good for McCain and indicates that it is not just the Democrats who are motivated to vote. Since I also suspect that young and "new" voters won't show up as the media and the Barack Obama campaign are assuring us they will, a large turn out overall is again a good thing for McCain-Palin.

Sarah Palin has invigorated the GOP base as no one since Ronald Reagan and again I take that as a major sign that points toward an upset win for McCain.

The IBD poll continues to show a very close race, within the MOE and with Barack Obama well below 50%. Given that IBD nailed the 2004 margin better than any other pollster, one has to take their numbers very seriously.

So here we are. Will America move harshly to the left or surprise the experts and only move slightly left square into the middle?

My prediction for what it is worth comes down to one state. Pennsylvania. Whoever wins the Keystone State, wins the election.

Go vote my friends and may God continue to bless America.