RedState Has Become A Joke
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was less than thrilled with a certain well known website. As promised I held my fire until the election was past. Now its past. It is time now for straight talk no matter who it offends. is a joke. A bad joke. Almost nothing about it is useful or professional. A site as poorly ran and edited as is a liability to conservatives and Republicans. I don't plan to spend much time on this so let's cut to the facts.
1. The "managing editor" of the site posted on the "front page" that Republican Congressman Tom Cole "is a douchebag". Within hours he had to retract his comments because in fact the terrible sin that he had accused Cole of was bogus. Several things wrong with this: Bitterly attacking a conservative Republican without checking his facts. Using gutter language at all and especially toward an ally. No professionalism and no class.
2. Just days ago "the editors" came out and endorsed two Democrats running for congress from Alaska against Don Young and Ted Stevens. Why did Ethan Berkowitz and Mark Begich rate an endorsement from Because "the editors" are idiots. It apparently never occurred to "the editors" that if Begich were elected he would serve 6 years, but if Stevens were elected he'd serve maybe 6 months. Stevens is a convicted felon and the Democrats are going to hound him all over hell's half acre until he "retires". Gee....I wonder who might end up taking his place?
3. During the financial institution meltdown when the old media was all atwitter about the economic crisis, headlined the same story. Day after day we had to read about how awful everything was and how uncertain the future was/is. The is analogous to a liberal blog constantly drawing attention to William Ayers or Americans born in Kenya. It was just absurd.
RedState stepped up several years ago and was a force for good. Now it is pathetic and not much use to anyone.