Monday, November 13, 2006

Self serving clowns

I actually read
this before the election via a link from Kos. This guy (and Kos too for that matter) are like a couple of goobers I knew way back in the day when I was a Teenage Republican.

These two (ah heck lets call them Fey and Vey) were staunch Republicans as long as the GOP was the sexy party. As soon as the bloom was off the Rose they suddenly tacked leftward.

First Fey and then Vey decided the Republicans were just "too conservative" and that even though the Democrats were not perfect at least they (Fey and Vey) felt "more comfortable" there than with the mean ole losers in the GOP.

This Cole creature is of a piece with them. Happy to be a Republican until a bad spot comes along. Frontrunners, all of them. More than that I suspect this type has always cringed when one of the "beautiful people" cuts down a Republican, or when Colbert or Jon Stewart do Anti-Bush joke #10,001. This kind of pantywaist belongs in the Mommy Party and good riddance to bad rubbish to them all.