Well well
I am shocked that Nancy Pelosi is apparently backing John Murtha for House Majority Leader and Alcee Hastings for Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
Unless there is a deep game being played here, this would seem to run counter to what common sense would indicate is the path to a sustained Democratic majority in the House.
Scandel played a huge part in the GOP losses last week and yet here is the soon-to-be-Speaker endorsing two crooks? Alcee Hastings is just plain dirty and that is on the record for the whole world to see. He was impeached, convicted, and removed from the bench by a Democratic controlled Congress.
John Jack Murtha is nothing more than a penny-ante political hack who has been overestimating his importance for over 25 years. There is ample video evidence of his corruption starting at least as far back as ABSCAM. Why he has never been called to account is far beyond me.
Why would Pelosi jeopardize everything the Democrats have just won by supporting these two losers? Is it possible she is not the canny politico I feared she is and is instead just a garden variety liberal goof?
I am more hopeful now that the "new" Democratic Party will be just as stupid as the old one.