Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Speaking of the American Spectator...

While checking out the Crooked Jack Murtha link this morning I noticed this outstanding
piece by Philip Klein . In it he makes a very persuasive case for Rudy Giuliani's chances for the '08 Republican nomination.

Despite Giuliani's much more liberal stances on several issues, I have felt myself drifting more and more toward him as the best choice in two years. I simply don't like or trust John McCain. I believe McCain-Feingold was bad law and is contrary to freedom of speech.

While I greatly admire his war service and am deeply in his dept (as are all Americans) for his defense of this country, I do not believe he is the man to put in the White House. Furthermore I have grave concerns about his ultimate ability to win.

McCain as electoral juggernaut is almost entirely a result of the media's love for him because he was not and is not George W. Bush. Dubya is now a lame duck and the media will slowly but surely decide that mouse is dead (how is that for a tortured metaphor?) and start looking for a new toy.

McCain has some moderating tendencies but as far as I know he is still Pro-Life and Pro-Iraq War. Those two stances will quickly make him a marked man as we get closer to 2008. Point being that he won't long remain the media darling he currently is and when they turn on him will conservatives really care enough to come to his aid?

Far from being The Man Who Can Beat Hillary, I think he may turn out to be The Man Who Will Lose To Hillary.

Mitt Romney does nothing for me. Nothing. He is little more than a cipher at this point but any man who could get elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 has some tough questions to answer as far as I'm concerned.

More and more I'm thinking Rudy's the one.